Humanistic Psychology


 Started taking shape in 1960s from the work of Abraham
Maslow and Carl Rogers


 In 1951, Car Rogers published ‘client centered therapy’ and
in 1954, Maslow published ‘Motivation and Personality’

 Reckoned as third force in psychology
 It was a reaction to both Psychoanalytic theory and

 Humanistic psychology took a more positive view of human

Antecedent Influences

  •  Roots of ideas of the humanistic psychology can be found
           in the works of earlier psychologists
  •  Franz Brentano who had earlier opposed Wundt’s ideas of
           studying structure of consciousness. Brentano was of view
           that consciousness should be studied as a molar quality
           rather than a molecular content
  •  Kulpe was of view that conscious experience cant be
           explained in terms of mere responses to stimuli. They are
           more than that.
  • William James emphasized that psychology should focus on
          functions of consciousness and the whole individual rather a
          mechanist view of a person. He also was concerned with
          problems and needs of human being. In his book Principles of
          Psychology, he included a chapter on self which acted as
          precursor for other self theorists.
  •  Gestalt psychologists in their views that our experiences are
           more than simple sensations. They emphasized upon
           wholeness of experience.
  •  Psychoanalysts like Adler and Horney who opposed the
           deterministic views of Freud that personality is shaped by
           unconscious forces. They believed in human being’s strength to
           overcome their past.

  •  Emphasis on uniqueness of individuals.
  •  Optimistic view of human personality
  •  Human beings should be studied as whole
  •  Human beings have innate tendency to reach to their maximum potential.
  •  Studies should be person centric rather group centric
  •  Studies on Animal wouldn’t help in understanding of human beings.
  •  Focus on free will and creative power of human beings
  • Person centered therapy

 Where do it stand today? in part 2

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