What is Memory?

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MEMORY :-  Memory is an active system which receives information from the sense organs, puts that information into usable form, organize that information as it stores it away and then, retrieve the information from storage.


There are soo many kinds of memory, few of them are described below;-

Types of memory

Intentional memory :- Individuals deliberately tries to learn and memorize the material.

 Incidental memory:-  No deliberate attempt is made by the individual to learn the task. The material gets memorized by chance.

Retrospective memory:-  It refers to the memory for the past events.

Prospective memory:-  It describes our ability to plan and remember the future tasks.

Explicit memory:-  Refer to the conscious recollection of previous events.

Example:- recall or recognise words, facts etc.

 Implicit memory:-  The process in which we use information from memory but are not consciously aware that we are doing so.

Example:- unconsciously remembering the cycling.

State dependent memory:-  It is defined as any external or internal condition of a person's body and mind. Retrieval of the memory is better when biological or psychological state of the person during encoding of the information matches with the state of the person at the time of retrieval.

Example:- normal state , alcohol state etc.

Drug dependent memory:- when items learnt under a specific drug condition.

Person is able to recall those events when again in the same drug condition.

 Mood dependent memory:-  It is learnt under specific mood condition (happy/sad) will be better when mood of the person is same at the time of retrieval.

Schema driven memory:-  Mental representation of the event, objects or the person's incidents, situations acquire through experience.

It deals with the information of schemas.

Also deal with how new information is integrated with our previous knowledge.

Help in deciding how the information should be encoded/ stored/ retained and which information should get attention.

Categories of schemas:

 Person schema - Refer to the general knowledge and beliefs about other people's traits and characteristics.

Self schemas - General knowledge about our own personality traits, goals, attitude etc.

Script schemas - General knowledge which the people have about common and frequently occurring events.

Eyewitness testimony memory:-  It deals with the memory for events which have been witnessed by the people. Sometimes people do not give accurate information, resulting in misleading effects.

It is suspicious.

 Cultural memory:-  Regarding the cultures especially the customs, traditions and rituals of a culture.

 Meta memory:-  Person's general knowledge and awareness of his own memory process.

According to flavell and Wellman (1977), younger child possess very poor meta memory and it improves with age.

Autobiographical memory:- Memory for information related to a person's own history.

It is constructive in nature.

Some periods in our lives produce more memories than others, so it is not equally distributed evenly throughout our lives.

Rapidly increase in the frequency of memories is seen after the early adulthood than childhood.

Flashbulb memory:- Memories of events which are very arousing or surprising.

For example:- war, deaths earthquake etc 

It was highly detailed, clear and vivid.

Surprising and mostly negative.

It has an emotional effect on the individual.

Memory traces is important to the individual.

Eidetic memory:-  Ability to recall an object for a short period of time after it is no longer present.

It stays for a second or less than it.

Photographical / exceptional memory: Ability to recall an image ( text, number etc) in great detail for a longer period of time.

This kind of memory is rare.

Haptic/ tactile memory:-  A type of sensory memory related to sense of touch like - gripping or touching. It provides a very brief memory of touch, approx 2 seconds.

1 comment:

  1. You're like a ray of sunshine on a really dreary day.


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