What is ASPD
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Also known as sociopaths or psychopathic problems.
"It is characterized by impulsive, irresponsible actions satisfying only immediate and narcissistic interests without concern for obvious and implicit social consequences."
Clinical pictures:-
Individuals who are basically unsocialized and whose behaviour pattern brings them repeatedly into conflict with society.
They are grossly selfish, callous, irresponsible, impulsive and unable to feel guilt.
Superficial charm and intelligence, talks well and gives good impression and sense of humour.
Interest lies in immediate pleasure and has no absolute purpose or long range goals.
Lack of control, unstable, ego-centric, impulsive and irresponsible behaviour.
Lack of anxiety,shame and guilt.
Self-centered, no love, attachment and care for other relationships, defective superego, insincerity, selfish nature make them lead on uncontroventional and unrestrained sex life.
Suffer sexual maladjustment and abnormalities.sometimes alcohol and drug addict.
Aggressive and hostile towards authority and social regulations.
Frustration tolerance is low.
Quick bored when no immediate result or pleasure found.
Use of RATIONALIZATION and PROJECTION mechanism for defend their unjustified behaviour and lies to blame others.
No goals in life, their life is disorganised and unplanned.
Show symptoms in age of 15 to 18.
Occur in 3% in males and 1% for females in population.
TWO dimensions of psychopathy:-
An affective- interpersonal set of traits:- lack of remorse and guilt, callousness, lack of empathy, glibness, superficial, charm, grandiose sense of self- worth and pathological lying.
Second dimension reflects behaviour:- antisocial or impulsive acts, social deviance, poor behaviour controls, irresponsibility and a parasitic lifestyle.
Etiology/causes of ASPD:-
Heredity and biological factors:- Rarely defective genes, physique and body constitution, defective intelligence, mental deficiency, brain disorders are responsible sometimes.
But there is no roles played by genes and chromosomes and no evidence of heredity being responsible for ASPD.
Environmental and socio-psychological factors:-
parents and family:- unhealthy relationships prevailing between the parents and child.
Lack of emotional and social security, poverty.
Denial of the facilities for the satisfaction of essential primary and secondary needs.
Child learn and imitates the role of parents as a model(observational learning) and conditioned to behave antisocially.
If in family,- domestic violence, street brawls, alcohol- drug addiction, promiscuity and other behaviour happens, child learn the behaviour of adults who reject social norms.
Broken homes :- death of one parent, separation, desertion, divorce or prolonged parental absence and when the child placed in foster home, hostel or orphanage, as a result child emotional and social needs may be frustrated. Here child may adopt antisocial lifestyle.
emotionally disturbance in home:- parents different opinion about the rearing, education and career of child, quarrel, careless, over indulgent, over bearing with child. Then child turns to antisocial elements.
Consequences of defective family environment are perpetuated and nourished in environment outside the home. Neighbours, peers, and antisocial climate is one's child comes to learn undesirable or what is denied at home.
Treatment:- people with ASPD is difficult to treat because they rarely see any need to change in ownself and tend to blame others for their problems.
Individuals seem to decline after older age (40+) even without treatment, because of weaker biological drives, they referred as "burned-out psychopaths".
Drugs like - lithium, anti- convulsant or anti-depressants, phenothiazines, phenobarbitone, dilantine, carbamazepine, chlordiazepoxide may help in reducing aggresive/ impulsive violent behaviour.
but biological treatment is not so effective because it also occur side effects and may be individual did not take medicines at time, because they do not believe that they need treatment.
Cognitive behavioral treatments:- it increase self control, self critical thinking and social perspective taking.
increasing victim awareness, teaching anger management, changing antisocial attitude, and curing drug addiction.
this therapy required controlled situation ( prison or forensic setting) in which therapist administor reinforcement and the individual cannot leave treatment.
Psychotherapy is not effective in ASPD.
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