Psychology Gyan

                 Introduction to Clinical             Psychology.

This is a branch of psychology related to
mental health of the people which includes
assessment and diagnosis, intervention or

Mental Health.

 According to WHO it is not just absence of
mental illness . It is defined as state of well
being in which every individual realizes his or
her potentials, can cope with normal stresses
of life, can work productively and fruitfully
and is also able to make contribution to his or
her community

 Mental health refers to cognitive, behavioral,
and emotional well-being.

Distinguishing Clinical Psychology From other related field.

 Abnormal Psychology
 Psychoanalysis
 Psychiatry
 Counselling Psychology
 School Psychologist
 Psychiatric Social Workers
 Rehabilitation Psychologists
 Psychiatric Nurses

Activity of Clinical Psychology.

 Therapy/Intervention
 Diagnosis/Assessment
 Teaching
 Research
 Consultation
 Clinical Supervision
 Administration

Definition of Clinical Psychology.

 American Psychological Association’s
The field of Clinical Psychology integrates science,
theory, and practice to understand and alleviate
maladjustment, disability, and discomfort as well as to
promote human adaptation, adjustment, and personal
development. Clinical Psychology focuses on the
intellectual, emotional, biological, psychological, social,
and behavioral aspects of human functioning across the
life span, in varying cultures, and at all socioeconomic


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