Psychology Gyan 2 (मनोविज्ञान)

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Beginning of structuralism

Wundt’s systematic psychology (1832-1920):-  In 1879 he established psychology from philosophy and also known as father of psychology.  He proposed in his book ‘outline of psychology’.

There are five fundamentals of systematic psychology.

1.       Definition and subject matter of psychology :- for wundt, psychology is the ‘’science of experience'’.

He divided experience into – immediate and mediate.

So psychology is the study of immediate experience.(conscious experience)

Conscious experience analysed in two psychical elements- sensation( objective content) and feelings(subjective content).

Conscious feeling had three dimensions :- 

1. Excitement – calm,

2.tension- relaxation  and

3. Pleasure- displeasure

This is known as tridimensional theory of feelings.


                  Sensation and feeling have two basic attributes – quality and intensity.

2.principal of connection   :-  Elements of consciousness combined through association.The fusion of elements into consciousness may be that one simultaneously arouses the other or it may fuse together.

Association involves – assimilation(by similarly or by contrast) and complication( association of sense modalities).


3.Method of psychology:- wundt pointed out experimentation and introspection method to study conscious or immediate experience.

For wundt – introspection is a ‘controlled observation’ under experimental condition.

Wundt introspection was' not self observation’ ,his introspection was experimental introspection.


4.Apperception:-  wundt derived apperception from Herbert’s concept of ' apperceptive mass’.

Three aspects of apperception (wundt) :-

·         Apperception as phenomenon, focus of consciousness (attention).

·         Apperception as cognition, sensation, feeling and volition are united into consciousness.(mental processes).

Apperception as activity, it is an active process.


.Mind – body problems:-  This is known as psychophysical parallelism . Wundt said that mind and body were parallel but not interacting system.


#wundt experimental work in Leipzig laboratory:-

·         Sensation and perception experiments

·         Reaction time experiments

·         Association experiments

·         Attention experiments

·         Feeling experiments.



·         Wundt called as (grandfather) ‘father of experimental psychology'.

·         He influenced by the views of philosopher John Locke (said that knowledge came from experience).

·         Contribution of wundt – systematic psychology and his work of Leipzig laboratory.

·         Franz brentano known for his act psychology (psychology studied mental acts or processes rather than (mental content,wundt)

Brentano divided mental act in – ideating, judging and feeling.

·         Stumpf support- ‘brentano’s act psychology' and conduct experimental studies in psychology of tone and music.

·         Muller and pilzecker developed ' interference theory'. He is purely experimental psychologist.

·         Wurzberg school in Germany pointed out that content of consciousness was ' nonsensory as well as imageless’. ‘Imageless thought'


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