Psychology Gyan 3 (मनोविज्ञान)

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STRUCTURAL psychology was established at Cornell University( America) in 1898 by British psychologist Edward Bradford Titchener.

Cornell University America

He was student of wundt,he done his ph.d under wundt in 1890-1892 At Leipzig University.

      Read about Wundt theory

Titchener established structural psychology in his paper- “The postulates of a structural psychology”.

Edward Bradford Tichener


#Basic features of structural psychology :-

1.subject- matter of psychology:-  Titchener psychology was the study of conscious experience dependent upon the experiencing person.He didn’t accept wundt’s idea that psychology studies only immediate experience.

Titchener distinct between mind and consciousness that mind was sum total of person’s experiences summed from birth to death, and consciousness was sum total of person’s experience at any given time.

Titchener stated three basic problems of psychology –

·         What – analysis of mental experience into its simplest form.

·         How – discovering how these components are combined.

·         Why – is the way mental events correlate with their physiological conditions,(brain and nervous system).

Titchener analyzed the three basic elements of consciousness – sensations, images and affections.  Titchener had rejected wundt’s” tridimensional Theory of feeling “ (pleasant- unpleasant, strained- relaxed, and excited- calm). He accepted only the first one and later, even rejected that also.

Titchener gives 4 basic attributes of elements of consciousness- quality, intensity, duration, clarity(clarity only in sensation and image, not available in affection), later he added extensity in this list of basic attributes.

Titchener rejected wurzberg’s point – “ imageless thought”,he said that it is because of faulty or incomplete introspection because people always start imagining during any thinking process or conversation.

2.Methodology of psychology :- like wundt, titchener also considered introspection and experimentation to be the primary methods of investigation in psychology.For him, experiment is an observation that could be repeated, isolated and varied.

In introspection, he encountered a problem that is “ stimulus error”, it means to see things or object rather than the conscious experiences, generated by the concerned object or thing. Example:- To see a table and call it table – ‘stimulus error'.

3.principles of selection:-  Titchener use the concept of attention. In this, concious elements are arranged and thus, it becomes the focus of consciousness. He outlined three stages of attention :-

·         Native or involuntary or primary attention (basic factors like quality or intensity of sensory experience required).

·         Voluntary or secondary attention- (purposeful focusing on elements in consciousness).

·         Derived or habitual attention- (arise due to repetition of similar learnt factors in past).

He regarded that these stages are continuous, not separate ones.

4.principle of connection:-  For Titchener, “law of contiguity” was his main law of connection or association.

“Law of contiguity”- any sensory or imaginal contents occurs in our present experience ,who are likely to appear in past.

Meaning of sensation or image was the result of connection between past Associations and images – (Titchener, in context theory of meaning, 1915).

5.Emotion:-  For Titchener, emotions are intensified feelings arising from sensations within the body. For him, 2 methods to study emotions –

·         Method of impression- (used when comparison of different affective characteristics).

·         Method of expression – (study on the basis of bodily changes).

6. Thinking:- Titchener criticise the wurzberg’s point that- the process of thought was imageless. According to Titchener, the result of wurzberg’s wese caused by the faulty or incomplete introspection.

He also rejected the”will” element – fundamental by wundt.

He accepted determining tendency of ach and the thought maybe unconscious – viewpoint of wurzberg’s.

7.Mind-body problem :-  As wundt believed, Titchener also accepted that mind and body are different from each other. No interaction and neither cause between them called ' psychophysical parallelism'.


·         It was too ‘self-contained’ and it was limited to the analytical framework of conscious experience.

·         No interest in practical applications of psychology.

·         No interest in applied branches of psychology, he excluded child, Animal, social and abnormal psychology.

·         He ignored Watson behavioural studies, that they were not psychology.

·         Introspection changed into retrospection because it take some time to report about the conscious content, some of them are forgotten.

·         Act of introspection might change the experience itself. Example – inspecting the experience of anger, the state of anger disintegrate and finally disappear.

·         This method in different laboratories were getting different results.

·         Some data( unconscious) couldn’t obtained by this method of introspection and it doesn’t work on animals.

·         Gestalt psychology studied psychology phenomena as a whole and this is not whole. It studies only on elements.

Similarity in wundt and Titchener :-

·         Subject-matter of psychology was conscious for both.

·         Introspection , experimentation and observation are primary methods of psychology.

·         Both believed in psychophysical parallelism.

Dissimilarity in wundt and Titchener :-

·         For wundt, - two elements of conscious experience ( sensation and affection),but for Titchener- three elements of conscious experience (sensation, image and affection).

·         For wundt- Two primary attributes of concious experience (quality and intensity), but for Titchener- four primary attributes of conscious experience (quality, intensity, duration, cleanness and later he added one more that is extensity)

·         Wundt gave- tridimensional theory of feeling but later Titchener rejected this theory.

·         Titchener rejected applied and practical aspects of psychology, wundt had some inclination towards practical psychology.




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